Vladik (Centrála)

Muscle gain rules for girls
The volume of training is a very important parameter that determines the duration of training, their number, the size of approaches and repetitions, as well as the number of exercises themselves performed per training. For hypertrophy of the myofibrillar apparatus, an appropriate hormonal background and muscle stress are required, which creates the need to adapt to an ever-increasing load. This is the reason for the relatively small number of exercises, approaches and repetitions, since the workout should be laid in 1 hour, resting 1 minute between each repetition. Warming up and cooling down are not included in the hour of anaerobic training, in addition, we recommend that girls be sure to use cardio and sports massage, which help to quickly remove waste products from the body.
Priorities are a must for any athlete who does not use androgenic drugs, because without priorities, you will simply drive yourself into overtraining. God himself ordered the girls to give priority to training the gluteal muscles, which is due to two factors at once. Firstly, hypertrophied gluteal muscles are sexy, and secondly, girls have much more muscle fibers in the lower body. The main goal of the training also belongs to the priorities, you should not try to lose weight in the waist and add in the buttocks, this is ineffective, pointless and will lead you to "overtraining". Yes, you can tone your muscles and lose weight, but you can't hypertrophy muscles and lose weight, it's all the same how to accelerate and slow down at the same time, hypertrophy is anabolism, and the utilization of subcutaneous fat is catabolism, these two processes cannot occur at the same time.